Today I am participating in the 5 Question Party hosted by Kim and Xanthe for the class ‘Behind the Scenes – a creative guide to blogging your passion‘. Here’s the list and my answers.
1. What makes you happy?….. in 5 words or less….?
grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren
2. Which talent would you most like to have?
I’d love to be able to sing (bwahaha)
3. Which words or phrases do you overuse most?
unreal (so outdated)
. . .
well, actually
4. What is your favourite movie, book or both?
Book: Life of Pi
Movie: sadly I don’t have a favourite (I don’t see enough movies)
5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a creative retreat where might it be?
Anywhere in Nova Scotia, Canada
Photo by Tobin |
Photo by Tobin |
So what do you think of my list? What would your answers look like?
Lori says
Great list!! I was also looking back at your last post and love it! Our summer has been a great one so far and I am enjoying every minute of it.
Viv (modifica) says
Great Canada is somewhere I have not visited another place I’ll put on my list. Fabulous blog so pretty…..
Robyn Greenhouse says
Beautiful photos! Hope to have the same answer to #1 down the road!! says
I work with a girl that is from Novia Scotia, she says its beautiful! Love your photos from there.
Laurie @ Pride in Photos
Sylvia says
Enjoyed reading your list, I would love to have musical talent too :-)
Beautiful photos !
Have a nice day,
Michelle says
Beautiful photos (love that red boat!)…and ditto on #3.
justine says
lovely shots and answers and I love your p.s. so true!!
Moms Who Click says
Love your list and your photos. I’d love to go to Nova Scotia too. I’ve never been there.
TexWisGirl says
sweet. :)
love your new profile pic! so cute!
Cathy says
beautiful photos.. great post.
Ahayes1225 says
Great list and nice photos!
Barbara says
we have the same #1. I have been to your beautiful area and loved it.
Sarah Huizenga says
Novia Scotia sounds wonderful.
lee says
LOVE your header! LOVE the big print.LOVE the clarity and ease of the whole thing. Also LOVED learning a little about you!
I would love to see Canada,do you think they might bring it a tad closer for me?
Dotti says
Your responses to our questions are wonderful! And I adore your blog. I totally get it with the “grandkids” thing!
~ says
Terrific answers! Love the grandchildren one… Denise in Akron, Ohio ~ From BTS
Roxi -Coppercurls Designs says
ha, ha, I agree with 1,2,3,&5 Love your photos by the way.
Becky says
Nova Scotia -I never would have thought of that, but now I’m intrigued!
geetlee says
Hi Barb,
I loved life of Pi too, so beautifully written. And Nova scotia sounds like a fab place to have a conference.
The image of the lighthouse is just spectacular.
Nadege, says
I’d love to go to Canada. Fantastic images.
Deanna says
Hmm, I do believe singing would have to be my choice for #2 as well. Heh, maybe we could form a duo? Fun list. I need to do this!!